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Our mission is to build multimodal AI to expand human imagination and capabilities

We believe that multimodality is critical for intelligence. To go beyond language models and build more aware, capable and useful systems, the next step function change will come from vision. So, we are working on training and scaling up multimodal foundation models for systems that can see and understand, show and explain, and eventually interact with our world to effect change.

We will deploy these systems to make a new kind of intelligent creative partner that can imagine with us. Free and away from the pressure of being creative. It's for all of us whose imaginations have been constrained, who've had to channel vivid dreams through broken words, hoping others will see what we see in our mind's eye. A partner that can help us show — not just tell.

Dream Machine is an early step to building that. Try it here

Why you should join us:

  • Luma is bringing together the best team in the world to achieve our goal, from researchers to engineers and designers to growth operators
  • Luma is not just a lab - we are deeply product focused and our vision merging AI models and delightful products is unique in the industry
  • We build. We ship. Our early products have been wildly successful

What do we value?
  • Expertise in your field
  • Urgency, velocity and execution
  • Problem solving mindset
  • Clear communication
  • Product focus

You will be responsible for building world's best generative and interactive UI experiences , think about what the next era of UIs should look like if driven by generative models. You will collaborate closely with generative researchers, infra, and design to bring your ideas to life. To fit well, you should have a great eye for design and the ability to prototype and implement delightful and well thought out interfaces.



  • Partner closely with research, product, and design to bring new features and research capabilities to the world.
  • Design and build efficient and reusable front-end systems that drive complex web applications.
  • Plan and deploy front end infrastructure necessary to build, test, and deploy our products.


  • React - 3 years or more experience working on production data-heavy apps.
  • Deep knowledge of web platform APIs, HTML/CSS.
  • Experience in motion design and UI animation (framer-motion, react-spring or similar animation tools).
  • Deep understanding of typography, balance, layout, color.
  • Experience quickly iterating on the design of and integrating with backend APIs.

Please note this role is not meant for recent grads.